Trening Dasturlari
Das Team Consulting jamoasi yurtimizdagi faol yoshlar va ularning bilimlarini oshirish, yangicha fikrlash va dunyoqarash shakllantirish maqsadida yangi ajoyib loyihaga qo'l urdi.
Endilikda 2021-yil dekabr oyidan boshlab yurtimizdagi ko'zga ko'ringan yetuk mutaxassislar,o'z ishining professionallari bilan birgalikda hozirgi dolzarb mavzularda TO'LIQ INGLIZ TILIDA seminar va biznes treninglar o'tkazishni boshladik.
Seminarlar mavuzlari va o'tkazilish kunlari haqida quyida tanishib chiqishingiz mumkin. Birinchi 5 kunlik treningimiz CONFLICT MANAGEMENT AND TEAM BUILDING mavuzida bo'ladi. Seminarimiz uchun maxsus taklif qilingan mutaxassimiz Dinara Dultaeva bo'ladilar. Ular haqida qisqacha ma'lumot bilan ham tanishib chiqishingiz mumkin. Hammasi "original" bo'lsin deb tarjimai hollarini ingliz tilida taqdim qilamiz.
Dinara Dultaeva
2010-2011, MA International Journalism, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.
2003-2005, MA, Uzbek State World Languages University, International Journalism Faculty.
1999-2003, BA, Uzbek State World Languages University, International Journalism Faculty.
Work Experience
April 2016 – current
Founder and CEO Dinara&Co Publishing House and PR Company
Editor-in-Chief, Visit Uzbekistan magazine, Dynamic Uzbekistan magazine.
2017 - Executive producer, International Press Club, Uzbekistan (launch).
2017-2019 - Advisor to Chairman, National TV and Radio Company, Uzbekistan.
February 2014 – January 2016;
Head of Business Section, Economic Review magazine, Centre for Economic Research,Uzbekistan.
Engaging with writers and business observers, editing articles, preparing for print, research and
preparation of special articles and interviews.
September 2011 – September 2016;
Lecturer, Management and Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Lectures on Social Enlightenment, Communication Skills, Communication and Decision Making,
HRM and other.
September 2004 – June 2014;
Part-time lecturer; Uzbek State World Languages University, School of International Journalism;
Lectures on news reporting, online journalism and mass media system.
February 2005 – December 2013;
Spokesperson; “Forum of Culture and Arts of Uzbekistan” Foundation, Uzbekistan;
Leading a team of 40 specialists, coordinating communications for 17 sub-devisions.
July – August 2011;
Intern, Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in London, UK.
Media relations, preparing materials for the interviews, assisting during the Embassy events.
June 2011;
Editorial intern, Diplomat magazine, London, UK.
Submitting stories, proofreading, research and page layout practice.
May-June 2011;
Intern,, London. UK.
Submitting stories, expanding the network of foreign professionals, SMM.
December 2010;
Editorial intern, Media Wales, Trinity Mirror group. Cardiff, Wales, UK.
Submitting news-stories, research and news-desk assistance.
Freelancer; “BellaTerra”, “Jannatmakon” magazines and “Darakchi” newspaper, Uzbekistan;
February 2005 – February 2007;
News-Editor and Anchor; Private radio station Navruz, Uzbekistan;
Gathering, preparing and anchoring news on air news casts.
September 2004 – February 2005;
Senior assistant; Press-center of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
Working with journalists, organizing press-events, supervising information release, updating the
official web site in English, Russian and Uzbek.
September 2003 – May 2004;
Editor-translator; Radio “Poytakht-Inform”; Preparing news-bulletins in Uzbek.
May-July 2003;
Volunteer; Press-service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
Translating, preparing documents, editing texts, providing general assistance in office.
April-May 2003;
Junior PR-assistant; Republican non-permanent Press-center on covering EBRD Annual Meeting;
April-July 2003;
Freelanced translator; British Publishing House “State Book”;
Translating and editing for the book “Uzbekistan Looking to the Future” in English, Russian and
May-June 2004;
Intern, NPR affiliated WHYY public radio in Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Shadowing reporters, assisting in production and interviews.
June-July 2004;
Intern, NBC affiliated news-channel KFOR-TV in Oklahoma City, OK, USA;
Shadowing reporters, assisting in production and interviews.
Special activities
March 2015;
European Union Visitors Programme. Brussels, Belgium
Introduction to European Parliament, European Commission and other EU institutions.
April 2012;
Exhibition of Rare Manuscripts and Islamic Calligraphy, Dubai, UAE
Participated as a member of organizing committee of the joint project of Sultan Bin Ali Al Owais
Cultural Foundation, Dubai Culture and Consulate General of Uzbekistan in Dubai
March 2011;
Speaker during the young talents conference in Cambridge University, UK, organized by
Cambridge Central Asia Forum. Oral presentation of the research in progress on nation branding.
April 2011/ May 2010;
International Journalism Festival, Perugia, Italy
Volunteering at the press-office and photography team.
January 2006;
Youth Invitation Program by JICA, Japan.
Introduction to media system of Japan in Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto as a part of Central Asian
2010-2011 Chevening Scholarship from the British Council and FCO, UK
2004-2005 Winner of the Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
2003-2004 Winner of Konrad Adenauer Foundation International Scholarship
2002-2003 Winner of State Scholarship named after Alisher Navoi
Shunday ajoyib imkoniyatni qo'ldan boy bermang. Seminarimizda qatnashish istagingiz bo'lsa bizga murojaat qiling. Joylar soni chegaralangan!